Monday, July 21, 2008

The meaning of my symbol

i would like to give some description about my symbol as below :

The Shape:
1. factory - It is a major things that cause of air pollution. When we heard air pollution, it must related to factory.
2. smoke - came out from factory and causes air pollution.
3. earth - Its the earth!!!
4. eye in the earth - Shows the earth needs our help to recovered its original state.

The Colour:
1. blue( factory) - Unity. Shows all the people in the earth need unite to save our
2. blue( earth) - The parts of sea in the earth that haven get pollution.
3. black and grey( smoke) - Prove that it cause air pollution very seriously.
4. grey( earth) - The parts of earth that already get a seriously pullution.
5. green - The parts of jungle in the earth that haven get pollution.

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