Thursday, September 4, 2008

Done my assignment 3: poster

Finally, i put my symbol into it to proved that was my work...
Then finished my assignment 3: poster....

After that, i type the word " air pollution" into the poster using type tool and colored it in red color...the reason i used red color is to make it like a very urgent problrm to solve...
Then, i colored the smoke by using gradient and i also do some effect in it, i twist it to make it more like the smoke is flewing...
Next is the chimmy, i also colored it using gradient...

After that, i colored the factory by using gradient to make the factory more reality and interesting...

Then, i colored the light using yellow color..

After that, i colored the buildings in black color using the live paint bucket...

Next, i start to color...
Firstly, i colored the land and sky using gradient...

Then, a new layer again to draw chimmy and smoke...
Then, i lock the other layer and keep it up...
Then, i create a new layer to draw the factory using pentools...
I create a new layer again for draw the light in the building...
i use rectangle tool and pen tools to draw it...

Next, i create a new layer for draw the background buildings...

First, i create two layer for sky and land and draw it using pentools.

Redo assignment 3: Sketch

This Picture is my reference for the background of my assignment

This is my sketch for my assignment 3: poster

Scope planning for assignment 3

Assignment 3 : Air Pollution
Project start date : August 19,2008
Project Finish date : September 9, 2008
Project manager : Chin ying Yan
HP : 017-7181921
E-mail :

Project objective:

The objective for this project is to told everyone about the important
to take care about our earth especially our earth's air.Stop polluting
air and should fresh our air.
Actually this project also related to two assignment that i did before.
In assignment 1, I drew a symbol with a factory and the earth was
pollute by it. This symbol shows that how seriously the earth pollute
by us. In assignment 2, my idea also around the factory and have
tree behind there to shows that we have to plant more tree to clean
the air. Finally, to link my assignment 3 to the previous assignment,
i will also use back the factory as my main character and have some
buildings as a background to shows that we must take care our
environment to have a comfortable life.


  • I will continuosly use the tools like pen tools, shape, live paint bucket and so on to draw this poster.
  • I will also use some effect like twist to make my smoke more naturely.
  • I will use also type tools to put some text into it.
  • Other than that, i will use gradient to make the things looks more interesting.
  • Finally, I will also update my blog to shows my work step by step.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Assignment 3: Poster

Finally, i create a new layer to put my text...
i use "Fresh the Air" as my text in this poster to remind
everyone to fesh our eart's air.
The word AIR i use capital letter and red color, it is
because to tell everyone it is a urgent thing that
we should take it.

i just do a bit of changes in the yellow circle there

to make the factory more reality.

This is my assignment 2 final work...
I decided to use back the factory and the background
to do my assignment 3 final work...